(3) PSYCHOLOGY. Human development, sensory and emotional states, psychosomatic concepts, the psyche, intelligence, generalisation, the learning process, motivation and choice. (Also listed as Philosophy 301.)
EDUC 400
(3) EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. The adolescent; stages of physical growth; mental development; emotions; history and theories; social components: home, peers, church; media; attitudinal changes; identity; self-discipline; motivation; moral development; leadership.
EDUC 401
(3) PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF SECONDARY EDUCATION. Creating a positive learning situation for the adolescent; the physical environment; classroom procedures and management; lesson and unit planning; the assignment; testing; records; motivation; critical and creative thinking; special needs students.
EDUC 402
(3) HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Survey of educational theory and practice from ancient Greece to the present.
EDUC 420
(3) SUPERVISED TEACHING. A full semester of teaching under supervision.
EDUC 510
(2) RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE COMMUNICATION I. History of catechetical instruction; dynamics of religious education; unit planning; individual and group instruction; materials; supervised practice teaching of high school Religious Knowledge course. (Also listed as Pastoral 510.)
EDUC 511
(2) RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE COMMUNICATION II. Media and audiences; use of radio, TV and press; 1-minute spots; shared professional experiences; supervised practice teaching of high school Religious Knowledge course. (Also listed as Pastoral 511.)
EDUC 530
(2) INTRODUCTION TO COUNSELLING I. Basic types of counselling; principles of pastoral counselling; shared professional experiences from various counselling situations. (Also listed as Pastoral 530.)
EDUC 531
(2) INTRODUCTION TO COUNSELLING II. Listening skills; guidance; patterns of interaction; crisis intervention; referrals; shared professional experiences from various counselling situations. (Also listed as Pastoral 531.)