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Reporting Abuse

How to report?


Who has been accused of abuse of minors?


How are we accredited?


What are the expectations for safe environment?

A Safe Environment for All

Forming young men for the priesthood and the religious life is a great honour and brings with it a great responsibility. At the Seminary of Christ the King, we are committed to fostering a safe environment in which each seminarian is respected for his inherent dignity and can discern his vocation from God in freedom. This means taking every reasonable effort to exclude bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct from the seminary.

With this intention, we are in the process of setting in place the necessary policy and accreditation with Praesidium, Inc., a risk prevention and compliance organisation, to prevent any such harmful behaviour. We have also set up a reporting line, where anyone who has suffered abuse from monks, teachers, employees, and/or volunteers of Seminary of Christ the King can safely find a hearing.

We deeply regret any such harm that may have been committed by seminary personnel in the past and pledge not to allow it to happen again. We are painfully aware that sexual misconduct and sexual abuse leave people deeply hurt for life, whereas the life of each person is precious to God and so also precious to us.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions on the matters mentioned here.

Reporting Abuse

How to Report?
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