The Seminary of Christ the King is a Roman Catholic seminary conducted by the monks of Westminster Abbey with the assistance of local diocesan clergy and some very dedicated lay volunteers.

About Us

Coat of Arms
In drawing up its coat of arms, the Seminary selected from the wealth of available symbols to show forth its particular origin, identity, and mission. Find out more!

The beautiful 80-hectare campus provides residential accommodations along with recreational and community facilities of many kinds. On Campus there are actually two communities of seminarians – The Major Seminary, made up of seminarians from neighboring dioceses and the High School Seminary (Grades 8-12), made up of seminarians from across Canada and the United States. The Seminary resides on the same grounds as the Abbey, within the Archdiocese of Vancouver, B.C.
Since 1931, when the Seminary was opened in the Archdiocese, the Seminary has striven to form priests and religious in the image of Christ the High Priest and with the mind and heart of the Church. We place a special emphasis on liturgical and community formation, without neglecting the other pillars of priestly formation and identity, viz. human, intellectual and spiritual foundations.
We invite you to explore our website. If you are a young man who believes God is calling you to serve God, the Church and the world, write, call, or email us. We would be happy to see you face to face!